Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Anxiety Disorders Acrophobia

Anxiety disorders are of different types. They are classified in 6 different groups' Theses groups are Specific Phobias like acrophobia,Social Anxiety disorders and Social Phobia, Post Traumatic Stress disorder,Panic Disorders and Panic Attacks,Obsessive Compulsive Disorder,and generalized Anxiety Disorder.
Lets us begin with Specific Phobias seuch as Acrophobia A fear of heights.
What is acrophobia?
Acrophobia, based on a Greek work for peaks or heights, is a fear of extreme heights. This fear differentiates itself from other fears because once a person is at an extreme height, that person could be frozen in fear of moving any farther. Backing down isn't an option. Moving forward is equally unacceptable. It's a dangerous position to be in for both the phobia patient and any rescuers attempting to bring the person down. More than likely, though, the person will have taken great and calculated measures to avoid being near anything that smacks of a height.
Several different kinds of treatments have been used to help phobia patients overcome their fears: relaxation techniques, exposure treatment (placing a patient in controlled environments), and classic Pavlovian conditioning, among other treatments. But make no mistake about it, phobias can be treated. It may take time and energy, but they can and should be treated. Social scientists are developing new techniques and treatments every week, treatment plans that make good common sense. And of course, they are more affordable than ever.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Mental illnesses Types and Common Symptoms

Hi folks. Today I continue with what I started yesterday I will discuss breifly the different mental illnesses there are and symptoms to watch out.
Types of Mental Illnesses
As mentioned above, the mental disorders list has over 200 types of mental illnesses. These mental illnesses are classified into different classes that are enlisted as follows:
• Anxiety disorders
• Mood disorders
• Substance related disorders
• Developmental disorders
• Cognitive disorders
• Psychotic disorders
• Personality disorders
• Sexual disorders
• Sleep disorders
• Dissociative disorders
There are different mental illness symptoms that depend not only on the type of mental disorder, but also age and the individuals capacity to overcome or hide the signs. The mental illness symptoms are mostly exhibited in the form of change in emotional behavior, cognitive behavior or physical body language. The person may suffer from digestive problems, chest pain, back pain, fatigue, headache, may sweat excessively, sudden weight gain or loss, rapid heart rate and dizziness are some of the physical mental illness symptoms. Change in emotions, behavior or thinking pattern may lead to the following mental illness symptoms:
• Alcohol or substance abuse
• The person develops confused thinking
• The person may become delusional or start hallucinating
• The person may suddenly become angry, hostile or violent
• The person may become excessively fearful or worried
• The person feels sad or depressed
• The person shows inability to cope with their daily problems or stress
• The person has problems sleeping, or suffers from insomnia
• The sex drive undergoes a change
• Changes in eating habits of the person
• The person tends to withdraw from friends and other social activities
These symptoms are often spotted by close friends, family and spouses. This is because people in the close social circle of an individual are aware of the normal and abnormal behavior of an individual. One needs to remain alert regarding the signs of mental illness. A person who loves to eat may suddenly stop eating or throw up after eating. This may indicate anorexia, an eating disorder. Or else a calm and collected individual may burst out in anger more than normal indicating a mental illness. People who are firmly grounded to reality may begin hallucinating about someone trying to kill them or the whole world conspiring their downfall. Suicidal thoughts or attempt to suicide is also an indication of mental illness. All these mental illness symptoms, few subtle and few loud, may indicate brewing up of a mental disorder.
I trust you understand and can reflect on what i have said so far. Kindly ask if you have any queries and i will try to answer your questions.Tommorrow i will talk about anxiety disorders.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Mental illnesses Definition, Causes

'What is mental illness' is a question all who think of themselves sane and insane have. If you too would like to know more about mental illness symptoms then read on... i decided to share some of my knowledge and expertise so that somebody out there who can not afford to seek help or is powerless to do so. I trust you will find theses articles informative and educative.
Mental Illness: Definition
Mental illness definition states that it is 'a mental condition that affects the mood, thinking and behavior of the affected individual'. Mental illness can lead to a lot of problems in time and also reduce the ability of a person in different areas of life, like work, family, personal relationships and social setups. There are over 200 mental illnesses and conditions that range from minor problems to severe mental disorders. Schizophrenia and depression are the most common mental illnesses.

As seen from the mental disorder definition, it is a disorder and not a disease. The signs and symptoms of mental illness are always open for debate and interpretation. As each individual is different from the other, similarly, the manifestation of a mental illness in different individuals tends to be slightly different.
What is Mental Illness Caused By?
The exact cause of a mental illness is not known. The causes of mental illness include genetic, biochemical and environmental factors that may lead to development of a mental illness. Some mental illnesses are biological in nature and some occur due to an emotional turmoil within an individual.

In case of biochemical causes, these occur due to chemical imbalances within the body. Some patients show changes within their brain patterns, which is what triggers a mental illness. The neurotransmitters within the brain going haywire may lead to mood disorders. Hormonal imbalances may also lead to mental disorders.

Environment plays a very important role in inoculating the seeds of mental illness in an individual. People who have been abused physically, sexually or mentally in their childhood or adolescent years are at a risk of developing mental problems as they grow into adults. A traumatic life experience may also shoot off chemical and emotional disturbances within the mind leading to mental illnesses. Financial loss, family problems, loss of a loved one, bullying by friends and peers, low self esteem, etc. are some of the factors that lead to mental illnesses.

Genetic factor is something no one can ever escape. Genes make an individual and mental illness can be inherited from our parents and forefathers. If some member of the family suffers from a mental illness, the genes can be passed on within the family. This genetic factor, if predisposed with an environmental factor, may lead to a full blown mental illness in a patient.
I hope i am not boring you since i have talked too much I will stop here since you need to digest a lot of information which I have posted. Kindly take it with a
pinch of salt.Next time i will talk about the different types of mental illnesses and how to deal with them.

Friday, November 18, 2011

getting on with life

i have not blogged in a long time. Life keeps changing and i guess i have changed with it. i guess i am less judgmental and can take a lot of pleasant and unpleasant stuff. What matters is to keep going on a daily basis. you do what is best for everybody and yourself and avoid arguments, quarrels or disputes. Avoid getting dissappointed or depressed when times are tough Not everybody is against you nor for you.
You just have to make your way in this journey called life