Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Anxiety Disorders Acrophobia

Anxiety disorders are of different types. They are classified in 6 different groups' Theses groups are Specific Phobias like acrophobia,Social Anxiety disorders and Social Phobia, Post Traumatic Stress disorder,Panic Disorders and Panic Attacks,Obsessive Compulsive Disorder,and generalized Anxiety Disorder.
Lets us begin with Specific Phobias seuch as Acrophobia A fear of heights.
What is acrophobia?
Acrophobia, based on a Greek work for peaks or heights, is a fear of extreme heights. This fear differentiates itself from other fears because once a person is at an extreme height, that person could be frozen in fear of moving any farther. Backing down isn't an option. Moving forward is equally unacceptable. It's a dangerous position to be in for both the phobia patient and any rescuers attempting to bring the person down. More than likely, though, the person will have taken great and calculated measures to avoid being near anything that smacks of a height.
Several different kinds of treatments have been used to help phobia patients overcome their fears: relaxation techniques, exposure treatment (placing a patient in controlled environments), and classic Pavlovian conditioning, among other treatments. But make no mistake about it, phobias can be treated. It may take time and energy, but they can and should be treated. Social scientists are developing new techniques and treatments every week, treatment plans that make good common sense. And of course, they are more affordable than ever.

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